Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What can i use instead of shaving cream?

So i don't own any shaving cream at home and i found out that it's bad to shave your legs when they're dry.

So what can i use instead of shaving cream?What can i use instead of shaving cream?
lathered soapWhat can i use instead of shaving cream?
You can use hair conditioner or lots of soap. If you use soap make sure you lather it up a lot, or use a creamy body wash. Report Abuse

I don't like shaving cream, i'm too senstive on my legs. I use any conditioner in my shower, because it softens your legs and the hair on your legs making a smoother shave. Mostly I just use soap though, I always shave in the shower, and soap and water on a loofah work.
i would suggest Bath and Body Works' ';Shave The Day'; its got shea butter in it, so it moisturizes.. its only $12 a bottle.. it works and it keeps my legs loisturized.. if not, then use Dove soap.. it doesn't dry out yor skin becasue its got moisturizers in it... good luck
You can use soap/body wash, a moisturizing shampoo, or conditioner.

I no longer buy shaving cream. Instead, I use conditioner every time and it's awesome (and cheaper).
You can just use water. Shaving cream just makes your skin softer, and makes it easier to tell where youve shaved. But water is perfectly fine.
Hair remover cream. I actually prefer hair remover better. Even though it takes longer, it's much safer and it'll cause less damages to your skin.
Just soap and water is what I use...it works fine. You can use anything just as long as you don't shave dry.
hair conditioner

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